Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My Dear - 40

To Finance

My Dear Fiancé,

I hope I will remember to give you this letter when you are still my
fiancé. I know that in my selfishness to marry the adorable you I
would conveniently forget to tell you this important piece of my life
and that is why I am making this letter as public as possible by
sending it to Ammani.

When I was a kid, I used to be a brat. I was a brat in the worst sense
that is comparable to Calvin (sans Hobbes). I used to beat up my elder
sister (who I love now), break most of the fragile things (especially
the ones marked unbreakable), throw stones at the family elders, had
two life threatening accidents and never studied an alphabet till I
was six years old. But the whole issue is not about me.

My mom, who bore the brunt of my almost violent childhood lost 20% of
her body mass. My maternal grandmother, unable to see her daughter
reduce to want, cursed me. She cursed me with a brat exactly like what
I was. Even though things changed after I was a little older, my
grandmother told me that the curse was real and was afraid that it
might become true. I love my mom and my grandma but I am still cursed.

I hope you realize the seriousness of the situation. I hope you love
me enough to still marry me. I hope we only have daughters.

head over heels in love with you,



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